职称/职务:副教授 特聘博士生导师
职称/职务:副教授 特聘博士生导师
教育背景 博士,计算机软件与理论,复旦大学,2004―2008 硕士,计算数学,福州大学,1994―1997 学士,计算机应用,太原理工大学(原太原工业大学),1989—1993 工作背景 副教授,beat365中国官方网站金融系, 2014.12―至今 博士后,复旦大学应用经济学博士后流动站,2011―2014 讲师、副教授,厦门大学信息科学与技术学院,1997―2011 |
科研项目 1.段江娇. 证券发行注册制改革背景下信息披露机制完善及策略研究. 国家社科基金,2021至今. 2.段江娇. 中美股票网络论坛对市场影响力的比较研究. 教育部人文社科规划项目. 2013-2016. 论文发表 1.Duan Jiangjiao,Lin Jingjing. The impact of COVID-19 on the crash risk of registered new shares in China. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal,2023(79). SSCI检索WOS:000998608200001 2.Duan Jiangjiao,Lin Jingjing. Information disclosure of COVID-19 specific medicine and stock price crash risk in China. Finance Research Letters,2022(48). SSCI检索WOS:000799777200017 3.Duan Jiangjiao, Zeng Jianping.Semi-supervised learning with generative model for sentiment classification of stock messages. Expert Systems with Applications. 2020(11):113540. SSCI检索WOS:000571732700003 4.段江娇,刘红忠,曾剑平.我国股票网络论坛的信息含量分析——基于东方财富网股吧论坛数据的实证研究. 金融研究,2017.10. 5.段江娇,童亮.区块链网络热度对其概念股波动性的影响研究. 中国物价,2019,2. 6.Duan Jiangjiao, Liu Hongzhong, Zeng Jianping. Posterior probability model for stock return prediction based on analyst's recommendation behavior. Knowledge-based Systems,2013(50): 151-158. SSCI检索和SCI检索: 211AC 7.段江娇,刘红忠,曾剑平. 投资者情绪指数、分析师推荐指数与股指收益率的影响研究. 《上海金融》. 2014(11). 8.Duan Jiangjiao, Zeng Jianping. Web objectionable text content detection using topic modeling technique. Expert Systems with Applications. 2013(40):6094-6104. SCI 检索: 186NP 9.Duan Jiangjiao, Zeng Jianping. Mining opinion and sentiment for stock return prediction based on Web-forum messages. International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD 2013. EI检索:20142417815750 10.Duan Jiangjiao, Zeng Jianping, Luo Banghui. Identification of Opinion Leaders Based on User Clustering and Sentiment Analysis. International Joint Conferences on Web Intelligence (WI),2014. 11.Luo Banghui, Zeng Jianping, Duan Jiangjiao. Emotion space model for classifying opinions in stock message board. Expert Systems with Applications. 2016(44):138-146. SSCI检索:000365051500013 12.罗邦慧,曾剑平,段江娇,吴承荣.基于情感模型的文本意见分类方法.《计算机工程》.2015(5) :175-179 专著 1.段江娇. 中国互联网股评数据的信息含量分析及应用. 中国商务出版社.2015.12 2.段江娇. 金融科技背景下我国资本市场的信息效率研究. 中国商务出版社.2019.10 |
金融科技、中级投资学、信托与租赁、金融学概论、人工智能基础 |