职称/职务:副教授 硕士生导师
职称/职务:副教授 硕士生导师
教育背景 2015.09-2021.03,博士,同济大学,交通运输工程 2018.09-2019.09,联合培养博士,美国德州大学奥斯汀分校,交通运输工程 2011.09-2015.07,学士,长安大学,交通运输管理 工作经历 2021.06-2024.06,beat365中国官方网站,讲师 2024.07-至今,beat365中国官方网站,副教授 |
科研项目 [1] 2022-2023,《双碳背景下上海市交通结构绿色转型的行为机理与策略研究》,上海市哲学社会科学规划办公室,社科规划年度课题,在研,主持 [2] 2022-2025,《空港智慧货运通道构建关键技术》,上海市科委社会发展科技攻关项目,在研,参与 [3] 2017-2020,《移动互联网环境下交通出行模式的重构机理》,国家自然科学基金面上项目,结题,参与 [4] 2018-2022,《城市交通治理现代化理论研究》,国家自然科学基金重点项目,结题,参与 [5] 2018-2019,《Travel Modeling in an Era of Connected and Automated Transportation Systems》,North Central Texas Council of Governments,University Partnership Program,结题,参与 [6] 2016-2019,《Communications and Radar-Supported Transportation Operations and Planning》,Texas Department of Transportation,Key Project,结题,参与 学术论文 在大数据建模分析、出行行为分析和交通需求建模领域发表学术论文20余篇,其中SCI/SSCI检索论文12篇,ESI 0.1%热点论文1篇;以第一作者发表SCI/SSCI论文6篇,其中JCR Q1论文2篇。近三年代表性论文: [1] Wang K; Ye X. Development of alternative stochastic frontier models for estimating time-space prism vertices [J].Transportation, 2021, 48(2): 773-807. (SSCI/SCI; JCR Q1) [2] Wang K; Bhat C R; Ye X. A multinomial probit analysis of shanghai commute mode choice [J].Transportation, 2022: 1-25. (SSCI/SCI; JCR Q1) [3] Wang K, Ye X, Shi C, Gan H. Probit-based discrete-continuous choice model to explore the relationship between car ownership and commuters’ non-work activity durations in Xiaoshan District of Hangzhou, China [J]. Transportation Research Record, 2023. (SCI; JCR Q3) [4] Wang K, Ye X, Gan H. Mixed multinomial probit model accommodating flexible covariance structure and random taste variation: an application to commute mode choice behavior [J]. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2022. (SCI; JCR Q3) [5] Geng S, Ye X, Zhang T, Wang K. The finite mixture continuous logit model: formulation and application for shopping start time choice of non-commuters [J] Transportation Research Record, 2023. (SCI; JCR Q3) [6] Zhang P, Ye X, Wang K. Development of joint stated-preference-off-revealed-preference model for shanghai commute mode choices in response to parking fee management [J]. Transportation Research Record, 2022, 2676(1): 65-77. (SCI; JCR Q3) 近三年会议论文 [1] 2021, A practical method to draw from multivariate extreme value distribution. 100th TRB Annual Meeting. [2] 2021, A simulation-free full information maximum likelihood method to estimate Probit-based SP-off-RP models. 100th TRB Annual Meeting. [3] 2021, Development of Probit-based discrete-continuous choice model to explore the relationship between household car ownership and duration of commuters’ outdoor non-work activities in Xiaoshan District of Hangzhou, China. 100th TRB Annual Meeting. [4] 2022, Random draws from multivariate extreme value distributions for nested Logit models using approximation of Gumbel distributions and their finite mixture. 101st TRB Annual Meeting. [5] 2023, A modeling analysis of impact from shared autonomous vehicle service on Shanghai commuters’ value of travel time. 102nd TRB Annual Meeting. |
本科生课程:《出行者决策行为分析方法原理》《智慧物流与供应链管理》 |
Guest Editor:《International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health》 期刊审稿:《Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice》《Transportation》《Transportation Research Record》《Journal of Advanced Transportation》 |
beat365中国官方网站2022年度创新创业优秀指导教师 同济大学优秀毕业生 同济大学优秀学生 长安大学优秀毕业 |